The Art of War

I often think about how different frameworks of thinking and approaches would apply to other subjects like communication and connection. One of the frameworks of thinking that has been interesting to me is the "Art of War" (The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Chapter 1: Laying Plans, n.d.) The "Ts`ao Kung" was translated as deliberations or preparations for the use by the general for his temple (para. 1.) I've been thinking this was relatable to the mindset of someone who is attentive and who seeks to be effective in all aspects of life. In summary, while the "Art of War" was not written as a guide to effective communication, many of its principles can be adapted for this purpose. The wisdom in the text lies in its emphasis on adaptability, understanding, and strategic planning—all essential elements in any form of effective communication. The "Art of War" is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu. While the p...