48 Laws of Power and "Never outshine the master"
I was thinking this morning, sort of normal for me to reflect often... And I remembered some of the 48 Laws of Power. I also listened to an interview with the writer recently as well.
In this interview, he recalled writing about "never outshine the master". And if you're smart about something, I agree you don't want to just run around outshining all your friends to the point where they don't wanna spend time around you. It's just not pleasant and it's not sociable.Well, he also mentioned that there was a king's helper (not sure of the exact wording here) but the helper wanted to set up a lavish event and ingratiate himself with the king and make it easier for himself. However, the day after the event he was thrown in jail and spent the rest of his life there. The king didn't like being outshone.
Then the author made the correlation that even in today's age, people in power of any sort, management, ownership, and employers in general, have egos and insecurities. And they will shun those that outshine them if the social side of the employee is dull and their expertise and brilliance are bluntly displayed.
Never, Outshine, the Master... And also mostly temper your brilliance around your friends, they might not like it either.