Questions not being answered? Ask me to research something for you

Hello everyone,

This will not be my usual posts, but I am curious if anyone has questions, they need help finding the answers to.

If this fits something you're trying to figure out, comment here, and I will do some research for you or with you.

My background is 20 years in IT and 10 years in restaurant management. This combination allowed me to see a wide range of social interactions, solve problems in the IT world, and how to manage fluctuating availabilities with teenage through elder adults and all ages of people.

I believe this uniquely qualifies me to tackle just about any subject. I am a master of none, except for maybe IT. But a Jack of all trades. Which is better than a master of one. At least the saying goes. It fits I believe. I've been called a generalist. 

In about a month, I am going to the commencement of my bachelor's degree in IT. Sort of odd that the commencement happens before I actually graduate. But I'm not afraid of being anywhere close to failing as my GPA is 3.99 right now. I asked friends to help me get there as I can't drive that distance without fear of my legs being unusable to push gas or brake. But I'm really excited to have that moment. Between my 9 step family siblings, half brothers and sisters, and my full-blood brother, only 2 of them have degrees, I will be the third. 

I think, however, most of my family never really chased having degrees as we did exceptionally well in any field that we approached. For me, I was making a really decent income and did not worry really about the ceiling that I hit in my 50s. But when the condition happened to me, where I was unable to sit walk or stand enough to actually work, i.e. decided that I had some time to get a degree. So that's what I did. That started in September 2020. 

The full degree that I had to achieve was just shy of three years of work to go, as I had a bunch of credits to transfer and I tested out of five other classes. Which reduced my time to completion to roughly 2 years.

So if anybody has any kind of subject that they wish to solve something within, I would love to work with you. Send me an email or comment on this blog. 

God bless everyone, stay safe.


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