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The Impact of Social Media on Depression: A Comprehensive Guide
Social media permeates every part of modern life, providing platforms for communication, self-expression, and news consumption. It also has potential negative impacts, particularly on mental health. Here's a comprehensive guide on the impact of social media on depression, and my personal thoughts on how it has affected me and also others. 1. The Comparison Trap: How It Impacts Depression: Social media often showcases highlight reels of people's lives, leading users to compare their everyday reality to others' best moments. This comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and deepen depressive symptoms. Leaning on others for edification or dopamine hits from likes on your posts, pictures, or videos has become a sort of emotional currency. I tend to shut down and ignore some of my social media just due to being burned out mentally with trying to keep up with even friends, family, acquaintances, and contacts, some of which I will barely know, but in...
Avascular Necrosis and bilateral hip joint replacement to avoid the pain
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